Best banana-maple-peanut butter soft cookies {vegan, gf}

My friends, I will be brief on this fine day. I have honed you this highly delicious recipe and I hope dearly that you will love me forever for making the rest of your life - previously a dark, banana cookie-less, dry landscape - so deliciously moist, nutty, and chocolaty. Yes. I am going to give you this recipe and then go and attempt to do my haematology lab. I am, for a short time, solo in my accommodation as everyone has gone home and my flight leaves later this week. I am reallyyy loving it BUT I found yesterday I was really just eating all day and that's BAD. I finished a tub of halotop mint chip (I LOVE MINT CHIP, IT IS MY FAVOURITE FLAVOUR EVERRR), half a batch of these cookies... oh well. I did enjoy them. :) Today, at least, I did some LOVELY power yoga, a bums & tums class, and made a bowl of many delicious green things which I will post in a What-I-eat-in-a-day ASAP as it included something v greek and v delicious. Also rolled around in grassy bit near house a...