Honest food diary #1

Hello, my lovelies. Long time no see - but I have finished my exams (!), done well (!!), and I am heading to my dream uni this September to study nutrition and dietetics!! So this summer, I am chilling out (read: being completely and utterly lazy) and I write this as I sit at my great-aunt's house after a day of baking! As I stuffed my face with completely non-healthy yummy things and simultaneously felt guilty and laughed and made gifs with my cousins, I realized: while I truly love eating healthy most of the time, its okay to sometimes just go with the flow, and if you are faced with sweet, sugary things one day (or in may case, quite a few days this summer) you can eat them. And its okay if you eat too many some days, or feel crazy full, or feel angry at yourself for eating too much. You'll find balance, but it takes a long time. I'll be honest - I find it really hard to find balance and sometimes I eat way too much! I'm working on that, and I'm also wo...