Raw cacao-coconut-almond truffles + water spirituality

Hey guys! I made these balls for a trip I went on recently with my class in the hope that if faced with bad candies I'd turn to these babies. I still ended up eating a ton of oreos, but that's more down to my own lack of self control, because these truffles were sooo amazing!! They were soft and flavourful and aaaall the teachers asked me for the recipe. My truffles bring all da teachahs to the yard ;) We went swimming in this beautiful natural pool, basically the end to a river, after hunting down river insects all day. Those things have a lot of legs. Also eyes. Being the youth'ed heathens we are, we decided to jump in the river. It was so cold, but so gorgeous, and I had this single moment of absolute freedom. Then I surfaced for air, and I felt something heavy on my head. My friends were pointing at my head and screaming something, but everything felt as if it was on mute. It dawned on me. Was there a THING on my head?? I brushed it off, panicking and treading w...