Sexy green smoothie bowl

This smoothie bowl is very sexy.
What's more sexy than fruit? This smoothie is soo fresh and so revitalizing and makes your skin feel all lovely and burn-y, like cold fire. I plopped the smoothie on top of overnight oats with lots of frozen berries (off-camera, I was stuffin my face with the butes) and walnuts and coconut and orange zest and chia. UGH SO GOOD!! But you can even eat it alone :)
Me and my sisters chilled with my lil brother today. We fingerpainted and he got really frustrated and stuck his little rainbow-painted fist on every possible surface, including our legs. He's still adorable when he's mad though.

Sometimes I feel sad that we don't get to see him all the time, but it's okay. I love him with all my
heart and I see him whenever I can. Such is life with a patchwork family.
Drink (eat?) this smoothie and even though its a small thing, life's problems seem more surmountable. I'm still young enough that food can fix things. I wish it was like that for everyone.
See you soon x
Serves 1 (2 at a push)
For the overnight oats:
1/4 cup of almond milk
3 tbsp oats
1. Mix 'em all up and put them in the fridge overnight.
For the smoothie:
Big handful spinach
Juice of two oranges
1 peeled orange
A splash of almond milk
A frozen banana
A couple berries
Lots of ice
1. Blend!!!
2. Put on top of your oats and eat happily. Serve with anything you want - nut butters, nuts, zest, more berries/bananas, coconut, anything!)
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