the pursuit of happiness
god, it is somewhat embarrassing to come crawling back on here. To myself, of course. I am fully aware that this blog is a shout into the void, and thank god it is: the void won't judge me for the horrific, teeny-bop rambles of past posts. To delete them would be to deny the existence of such a person and forgo the past, which is a luxury we cannot indulge. However, I feel I need to come back here for numerous reasons. The world is in a cataclysmic state, the horrors of which most of us are shielded from. I feel I need somewhere to write my thoughts on the topic, somewhere that is not my diary, however still maintaining the comforting lull of anonymity. This small chunk of html coding on the interwebs appears to tick the box. so now, without further introduction, before we pass out (as one does when reading tolkien's extensive expository hobbit descriptives) at the cusp of the hill, I will now puke out some ***inner thoughts***. I am swimming in a free week, ladies. My...